💡Energy! No I don’t mean electricity 😁 but our internal source, evident in all areas of our lives – in our physical, mental and emotional health.
I’ve learned to value energy especially as an indicator for what either lifts or drains me. For me, my surroundings and the people I engage with, have the strongest external impact. I started really tuning in to how I felt in situations and after.
☀️ Do I feel fresh, awake, full of positive thoughts & feelings?
🌪 Or do I feel tired, sluggish, perhaps even irritated?
Reflecting helps me better understand myself and what I need at any given time. I do that by taking a few deep breaths, slowing down, finding a bit of stillness and just listening in to what comes up.
❓How do you maintain your energy? Do you need more input on what I mean by that?
Let me know.
